Windows Vista is a very complex software web directory, and certainly there is a hidden problem. The good news is that most of these problems arise only in certain circumstances. But that does not mean your computer is free from problems. Third-party programs and devices can also cause problems, either naturally or because of not so compatible with software windows vista web directory.
There was a problem that was bothering you, but then mysteriously lost his own. Problems also tend to disappear when the IT people come to see it. Just like a motor problem we are lost when the mechanic came, computer problems are also often resolve on their own as an expert sitting in front of the keyboard. When this happens, most people just shook his head and continued his work, grateful to have been free of problems.
The best approach is to ask a series of questions intended to get the information required and / or to narrow the scope of the problem.
Is there any ERROR messages?
You may get error messages, but unfortunately most arcane error message and not much help in resolving the problem directly. But the message and error code can be a guide when looking for solutions in the database or provide information to support. Therefore, we must note the error message that appears in full.
If the message length and errornya we can still use other programs, do not have to bother bother taking notes. When an error message appears just press the button (print screen), then paste the image into paint or another drawing program, and save. If the image is about to be sent to support via email, save it in black and white format or 16-bit color, or if possible in JPEG format so that its size remained small. If an error message appears before the windows vista running, but you could not record it, press (pause break) to stop the startup. After noting errors press the [ctrl] + [pause break] to continue the startup.
Are there errors or warnings in the log event viewer?
Open event viewer and see the application and system logs. Look at the column level, whether there is an error or warning status. If not double click and read the caption.
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